Friday, December 12, 2014

What is this?? A blog?!

Hello blog, sorry I have neglected you!

But I have not forgotten.

The first semester of my 3rd year at Ringling has ended and it was quite busy...  However, I think my work is improving slowly as I develop so - yay!

Here's a look at some of the stuff I did:

First I'll show my animation works!

These were our first "warm-up" exercises.

I enjoyed them, but think I was relatively "safe" with their scope...

Next we spent the rest of the entire semester on the following project.  This is the first part.  The second part is not 100% finished yet, so it will be after the new year when I get back to it and finish it up.

It was a lot of fun to work on.  I actually enjoy the second half of it where I change the persona of this guy from hard-rocker to ballet master.  However, like I said I won't have the final render of that until after the new year - the animation is pretty much finished.

Next will be my story class.  Had a lot of fun with it and really tried to simplify the scope of my projects.  The Cupid story was a beast to wrangle.  The final version seen here is really different from where I wanted to take it originally, however, I would need something like 3 minutes to accomplish that so had to go in a completely different direction, but I still like it!

Here they are:

Next on the will be the work I put out in my DFA class, which teaches design principles, techniques, and processes for character and environment creation.  Overall, it was an awesome class.

These guys were created from abstract silhouette shapes and random scribbles.

This is a caricature of myself that we will build and animate next semester - should be a lot of fun.

This was an attempt at caricaturing Bill Murray.  It was tough to wrap my brain around, but a good intro to "Advanced" (advance to me!!!) digital painting I suppose.  
 So these were a collection of abstract thumbnails that I did that led into the last two projects for this class.
 This project was a purely value based study of an environment including a character.

These were the two major steps of my last project.  I spent 90% of my time on the value study (with tint of color), then used that to color it.

In hind sight I should have done the exact same process with Bill Murray's caricature, but it was all to serve as a learning process.

The last class I took over the semester was a painting class.  At first was cool, but my other classes really took time away from completing my paintings, which was disappointing.  So I'll just include some of the "better" paintings... I guess???

 This one was oil...

 These previous two were acrylic.....

...and these final two were oil, also!

I switched from oil about halfway through the class to see if the fast-drying acrylic would be more or less frustrating.  In the end I definitely liked using the oils more.  It's just unfortunate that they're so toxic :(

Anyways!  That was it for the semester.  There was way more work not seen here.  Like process work and all, but I just wanted to show the finals versions of things here!

Hopefully I will post more often in the futureeee......


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Semester Down.

Well Sophomore year is finally over.  It was crazy work, but felt good to do it all none-the-less.

Here's my final animation project for the semester:

It was nice to do, but I wish I had come up with an idea that called for more vivid designs and lighting....

Here's my last two animatic projects of the semester.

This is the final project for the semester.  I enjoyed it!

And this is our second to last project - a montage exercise.  I tried to do something that's not funny for once.  I think it was somewhat successful.  I love doing these animatic/storyboard projects!

That's it for now!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Omgozzle an update

Before, I figured I updated this blog too often.  So I decided to wait who knows how many months before I update a slew of more material....

Sooo, here's an update!

We got animation, animatics, life drawings!  Madness.

First up, the animation!  We were provided a model and rig and told "GO!"  This is what I came up with:

His name is Arty and he's ridiculous.

Next are some lighting exercises.  Same scene at two different times - night and day.  Can you figure out which one is which?

Next is an animatic.  Once again, as usual, I ran out of time and it was a little rushed - just 5 more seconds would have made it a little easier to follow.

I apologize for the terrible dialogue.  If I had had more time I could have included a few more lines that would have been sillier.

Lastly - here's some life drawings!

The semester is almost over - I can guarantee a new update once classes are over!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Figures y mas Figures

Here are a couple "storytelling" images.  They should sum up the entire story in a single image.  I wonder why they call them storytelling images, then??

One of these two was selected to continue on to create an animatic.  And the following should give an idea as to which one...

Get it?  Sir BOSLEY....  I thought Sir Rogaine would be too obvious?

Anyways, as the title of this post suggests....  Figures!!!!!

Here's just a few select pieces from my class so far.  Fun stuff, but I'm rusty as hell and can tell I need to "loosen up."

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Fall Wrap-up

Well, it's been close to three decades since I last updated this thing and I think it's due for some love.

The fall semester is now past finished and, needless to say, once again, I learned a ton.  This time most of the learning involved softwares (Maya and Premiere).  All the animatics definitely helped me speed up my thinking, thumbing, executing process for compositions.  A successful start to the animation film world, I think!

This coming semester will be more of the same, but delving deeper into what animation requires and what effective storytelling can accomplish.

All of that and I finally get to take another figure drawing class.  Thank GOD!!!  Figure is so important to me, I'm happy to get back into that.

Anyways, I think I'll go ahead and post the last few projects of my Sophomore Fall semester.  Hopefully going forward into this semester, I will be able to keep up posting more often!

Here's my pantomime project in traditional animation.  This class probably suffered the most over the semester.  I actually think I did better work last year.  3D animation and concept class severely cut into my polish time for TA...

It's OK, but basically needs another pass, the end needs more inbetweens to slow it down, and I didn't even get to completely finish him having a celebration.

Next are my last two animatic assignments.  The first had the basic premise: a bird knocks over a pot and strikes a person after it falls.  This was my interpretation of it!

This one is the final project - everything was completely made up by myself for once.  Nothing was provided to us.

Lastly, this was our final 3D animation project, a jump, walk, turnaround sequence of a "simple" polygon character.  Needless to say, I don't ever want to see pizza again.

Unless I'm hungry and it is in front of me begging to be devoured.  That, I may make an exception for...

Well that's a wrap for the semester!

Like I said, I will try to be better at posting going forward :)