Monday, April 29, 2013

About Time!

Last couple weeks have been crazy for me.

Especially the this past weekend, but it is almost over.

Here's some work I've done!

Final project for one of my classes.  Is based off of the work below...

These pics are of my final 3D Design project.  Spent significantly more time on my character than his environment!

Lastly, here's my final project for another class.  It's another attempt at digital painting again.  Unfortunately, the glow effect went out of control and I couldn't correct it before the due date.  I think I'm going to try and redo it over the summer and just take this as a study - one helluva study.....  I got pretty good crit notes from my teacher so it should be better the next time!

I'll post another animation piece in the very near future!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Shadows make the mind wander.....

Here's a quick project.

Process work and the final pencil work.  Touched up the levels and a teeny bit of contrast in photoshop.

Think as a personal project I'll do the other two thumbnails, too!  When I have the time of course...

Loved this project, too bad we only worked on it for two days :(

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

When Groc gets Angry

Here's my newest animation project!

Rwiley GrocJumpFINAL from Richard Wiley on Vimeo.

It was so much more enjoyable to work on than the flour sack.  Took significantly less time to complete and the animation is more fluid!