Monday, April 7, 2014

Omgozzle an update

Before, I figured I updated this blog too often.  So I decided to wait who knows how many months before I update a slew of more material....

Sooo, here's an update!

We got animation, animatics, life drawings!  Madness.

First up, the animation!  We were provided a model and rig and told "GO!"  This is what I came up with:

His name is Arty and he's ridiculous.

Next are some lighting exercises.  Same scene at two different times - night and day.  Can you figure out which one is which?

Next is an animatic.  Once again, as usual, I ran out of time and it was a little rushed - just 5 more seconds would have made it a little easier to follow.

I apologize for the terrible dialogue.  If I had had more time I could have included a few more lines that would have been sillier.

Lastly - here's some life drawings!

The semester is almost over - I can guarantee a new update once classes are over!