Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Quadripelagal Walk Cycle

The title is a scientific term.  Look it up.

But in all seriousness, here is finally another solid update.

Below is a finished quadruped walk cycle.  Doberman was used to base the model on.

It was fuuunnnnn!

Dog Walk Real from Richard Wiley on Vimeo.

On a VERY different note...

More to come - IN.In.in.THE.The.the.FUTURE.Future.future...

Monday, August 5, 2013

France 2013

Been a while since I've posted anything - primarily because I don't think I have too much to post.  Until now.

I just got back from a 3 week trip to France - St. Colome to be exact.  I brought some watercolors and thought I'd teach myself how to use them.

Here are the results!  Left to right top to bottom = first attempts to last.

The course of work eventually found a balance between using watercolors with small touches of color pencil, white acrylic pen, and ink pen.