Friday, October 25, 2013

A little bit of something new

Alright update time!

I'll start off with two new animatics.  They're very basic.  We have a strict time limit of 20 seconds and the basic premise is given to us.

Frogs and tomatoes!  And grumpy old men!

Rats and pool - and loud noises, too!

Finally, here is my primitive theater assignment.  It was a lot of work, but I'm pleased with the final product next to the ball bounce, it's a good start.

Poor, poor, Reelie (that's his name).

Monday, September 30, 2013

Gorillas, Zoltar, and Balls - Oh My!!

Hello blog!

I will now post updates!

First - a gorilla! --- Walking!

Gorilla Walk from Richard Wiley on Vimeo.

Too amazing.


A ball .... bouncing!  Incredible!

bbfinal rwiley from Richard Wiley on Vimeo.

I kept it super basic as my first computer animation project - next one will be more complex.

And finally - my first attempt at an animatic.  Story was provided to us so we just did the leg work.

rwiley Zolimatic Final from Richard Wiley on Vimeo.

And that's all folks!

Hopefully I'll post more in the near future.  This year is incredibly busy.  Ridiculous!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Quadripelagal Walk Cycle

The title is a scientific term.  Look it up.

But in all seriousness, here is finally another solid update.

Below is a finished quadruped walk cycle.  Doberman was used to base the model on.

It was fuuunnnnn!

Dog Walk Real from Richard Wiley on Vimeo.

On a VERY different note...

More to come -

Monday, August 5, 2013

France 2013

Been a while since I've posted anything - primarily because I don't think I have too much to post.  Until now.

I just got back from a 3 week trip to France - St. Colome to be exact.  I brought some watercolors and thought I'd teach myself how to use them.

Here are the results!  Left to right top to bottom = first attempts to last.

The course of work eventually found a balance between using watercolors with small touches of color pencil, white acrylic pen, and ink pen.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Walk Cycle dun dun dunnnnn

This is my character walk cycle.  The design is a variation of lizard used in my previous post.

RWiley SherrifFINAL from Richard Wiley on Vimeo.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this species (Uromastyx):

Monday, April 29, 2013

About Time!

Last couple weeks have been crazy for me.

Especially the this past weekend, but it is almost over.

Here's some work I've done!

Final project for one of my classes.  Is based off of the work below...

These pics are of my final 3D Design project.  Spent significantly more time on my character than his environment!

Lastly, here's my final project for another class.  It's another attempt at digital painting again.  Unfortunately, the glow effect went out of control and I couldn't correct it before the due date.  I think I'm going to try and redo it over the summer and just take this as a study - one helluva study.....  I got pretty good crit notes from my teacher so it should be better the next time!

I'll post another animation piece in the very near future!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Shadows make the mind wander.....

Here's a quick project.

Process work and the final pencil work.  Touched up the levels and a teeny bit of contrast in photoshop.

Think as a personal project I'll do the other two thumbnails, too!  When I have the time of course...

Loved this project, too bad we only worked on it for two days :(

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

When Groc gets Angry

Here's my newest animation project!

Rwiley GrocJumpFINAL from Richard Wiley on Vimeo.

It was so much more enjoyable to work on than the flour sack.  Took significantly less time to complete and the animation is more fluid!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Crusades and More!

Update time.


Recently I finished this piece.  It's supposed to be obvious whose room it is without them being in it!  Can you tell?
It was hand drawn, then scanned and all the color was painted using photoshop!  Learned so much about digital painting on this assignment - considering I didn't know very much to begin with.

Here's my process sheet for this assignment:

Well that's it for now.  More animation coming very soon - once I'm done with it this weekend!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Groc Gillaaaaaa

Alrighty then!  Next in animation we will be bringing to life a character of our creation.  We were randomly assigned an animal and had to recreate it as a biped!  Needless to say, I chose camel........

On another note - here are a few life drawings that I thought would be nice to share!

More to come....................

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sack Show!

This is my final Flour Sack Project!

It was way too long, but I am happy with the result.  This was definitely an awesome assignment and I look forward to more animation!!!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

O Fearful Caesar

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would just go ahead and dump a few of the projects I've finished recently.


Oh my Gaul!  ...get it (it's a bust of Caesar)?

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Here's a few angles of a recent sculpture I did of an Ecorche.  Mine doesn't really reflect it perfectly, but I still like it!  It has a borg-like look to it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Animation - at last!


I've begun learning animation and it's pretty awesome.  After four minor projects: ball bounce, light ball bounce, heavy ball bounce, and a perspective ball bounce, I am comfortable enough to post two animations I did.  The goal in all of these is to show our ability to mimic physics combined with squash/stretch and others!

The first is the ball bounce with a tail to help understand the principle of follow through.

Second is my final ball bounce project: a ball must hit an inanimate object.

Next we begin the flour sack exercises to improve our acting skills (timing, spacing, anticipation, follow through, performance...etc.).  Fun stuff!!

More to come!